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Midnight Snack


Graduation short film 


A little fox wakes up in the middle of the night for a snack. However, it doesn’t know that the house is haunted and its ghost is lurking.


Roles: Directing a team of 17, Story Development, Storyboard, Character Design, Producer, Art Director, and Animation Director.


Festivals:  Shenandoah Seasonal

Film Series 2018, Anima Mundi 2018, Animez Awards 2018, Festival 

Internacional de Cinema Infantil FICII 2018, Anim! Arte 2018, Tofuzi

2018,  Inshort Film Festival 2018, Websode Film festival 2019, 3°Mostra

Lugar de Mulher é no cinema 2019, Cinemira - Budapest International

Children’s Film Festival 2019, Cineminha na Biblioteca 2018.


And won by the category “ Best rated film by children’s jury” at the following

festivals: Anima mundi & Cineminha na Biblioteca.

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